Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while inaugurating India's first National Museum of Indian Cinema in Mumbai today, said films are a "silent power" that can quietly bring about major social changes. He added that films give shape to people's hopes and aspirations and that in a new India "million problems have billion solutions."
"How's the josh?" the Prime Minister asked audience he inaugurated the museum. "Films are identified with social changes. They help unite people who speak different languages. They help boost tourism and employment opportunities," he said.
PM Modi made a special mention to films with social messages. He added that such films have the potential to catch pique popular imagination and that many filmmakers are already making a conscious effort in this direction.
He also assured government's support to the film industry with a number of measures including a university for film and entertainment and amending piracy laws.
Aamir Khan, A R. Rahman, Parineeti Chopra, Divya Dutta, and many other film personalities were present at the inauguration. Maharashtra Governor CV Rao, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, union ministers Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore and Ramdas Athawale were also at the event.
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