Tension flared in the Tengnoupal district of Manipur on Friday as local women have blocked the road to Moreh, preventing state security forces from reaching the town. The Kuki community of Moreh has expressed strong opposition to the presence of state forces in their area, following a recent incident involving violence between locals and security personnel.
Just two days ago, violence erupted in Moreh after a group of women, shopping for essentials during a curfew relaxation, were allegedly accosted and attacked by security forces. This led to heated arguments and the women blocking the road to the market in protest.
In response to the security forces' actions, an angry mob set fire to several abandoned houses used by personnel as temporary accommodations. Police sources report that tear gas shells and live rounds were used to disperse the crowd, resulting in an exchange of gunfire between the mob and security forces.
The latest conflict comes amid a vicious sectarian clash that has claimed over 180 lives and displaced more than 40,000 people in Manipur since May 3. The violence began when the Kuki tribal group and the ethnic majority Meitei clashed over sharing economic benefits and quotas given to tribes.
The situation has remained tense despite the deployment of thousands of paramilitary and army troops to the state. Videos showing women being sexually assaulted and paraded naked in May surfaced last week, sparking national outrage and prompting the state government to send additional forces.