Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a meeting with Chief Ministers of BJP-ruled states till midnight on Monday and went on a late-night “inspection” in his constituency Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh after an action-packed day in which he inaugurated the first phase of the mega Kashi Vishwanath temple corridor. A series of tweets posted by PM Modi late last night featured Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath by his side as they toured the city.
Inspecting key development works in Kashi. It is our endeavour to create best possible infrastructure for this sacred city.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 13, 2021
The photographs posted by the Prime Minister showed Yogi Adityanath with him as they visited parts of the city and the Banaras railway station.
Next stop…Banaras station. We are working to enhance rail connectivity as well as ensure clean, modern and passenger friendly railway stations.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 13, 2021
In the morning, it had been a largely solo affair for the Prime Minister as visuals showed him offering prayers at the Ganga and performing rituals at the Kashi Vishwanath temple before launching the temple corridor. He also showered flowers on construction workers involved in the project and later shared lunch with them.
While the day's events indicated that the Prime Minister would be the BJP's main face for the crucial Assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh next year, the night's photographs sent a message that Mr Adityanath, too, would be a key figure in the party's campaign.
The photographs also appeared to send a message that Mr Adityanath has the backing of the Prime Minister as the party plays up its "double engine government" plank in the run-up to the polls.
Just concluded an extensive meeting in Kashi with @BJP4India Chief Ministers and Deputy Chief Ministers.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 13, 2021
The BJP has also put up a show of unity through the Varanasi events as all its Chief Ministers from across the country reached the temple town for the grand events. The Prime Minister also held a review meeting with them.
On Day 2 of his visit, the Prime Minister will be attending a programme at a famous temple complex on the outskirts of Varanasi before returning to Delhi.
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