This Article is From Sep 17, 2014

In PM Modi's Gujarat, 'Khaman' and 'Dhoklas' for Chinese President


The river front along Sabarmati has been spruced up for the occasion.

Ahmedabad: The Sabarmati riverfront has been spruced up and hoardings all over hail a new relationship between Gujarat and China as Ahmedabad gets ready to host Chinese President Xi Jinping when he begins his three-day visit to India from Gujarat today. (PM's Birthday Begins with Visit to Mother; Dinner with Xi Tonight)

The state government, led by Chief Minister Anandiben Patel, is going to roll out the red carpet for President Jinping and the Chinese delegation traveling with him.

The accent today is on food - sumptuous Gujarati cuisine is on the dinner menu with dishes like Khaman and Dhokla to give the delegations a chance to savour "Gujarati hospitality,'' said state government's spokesperson Nitin Patel. (As PM Modi Hosts Xi in Gujarat, Face-Off At Border: Top 10 Developments)

President Jinping arrives at the Ahmedabad airport at about 2.30 pm today. Representatives of the Gujarat government and the Chinese delegation will then go on to sign at least three Memoranda of Understanding, in the presence of PM Modi and President Xi. (Chinese President Xi Jinping Arrives Today on Three-Day India Visit)

The two will then head to the Sabarmati ashram, where Mr Xi is expected to be given a tour of the iconic ashram established by Mahatma Gandhi, and visit the site from where the Mahatma started his famous salt satyagraha against the British government. ('Inch Towards Miles': PM Modi's Take On Ties With China Before Xi Visit)

The Chinese President, accompanied by PM Modi, will then make his way to the Sabarmati river front, which has decked up immaculately for the occasion with white Swiss tents. Five of them. Inside, the  tents have been decorated with torans (embroidered door hangings) from Kutch as well as handcrafted wooden furniture from Sankheda.

Mr Jinping will also be treated to performances by folk dancers from different parts of the state, as he and PM Modi take a walk along the riverfront.