In a dramatic incident of daylight robbery, a father-daughter duo in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad on Wednesday pulled off a theft by blindsiding staff at a jewellery store with a chilli powder attack. In a CCTV video of the incident, the man can be seen posing as a customer and talking to a staff member about what looks like a gold necklace that is kept on top of the display cabinet between them. The staff also helps him remove a gold chain he is already wearing, presumably just to try it on.
All of a sudden the young woman next to the man, who was sitting still till then, throws chilli powder with both hands in the face of the staff and tries to run away. Meanwhile, the man snatches the necklace kept on the display and dashes for the exit of the shop.
The staff immediately spring into action and grab the woman by her T-shirt collar. The man, however, successfully flees the spot with the piece of jewellery even after getting briefly caught by the hand by one of the staff members.
The incident is from Ghaziabad's Sihani Gate area.
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