A shocking video from Madhya Pradesh's Indore of a cop being brutally assaulted by a man has gone viral. It shows police constable Jai Prakash Jaiswal, who is in his police uniform, being repeatedly attacked by a man wielding a baton in full public view. The incident happened in Indore's Venkatesh Nagar locality after a minor accident. The accused snatched the service baton from the cop and assaulted him with it.
The man, identified as 25-year-old Dinesh Prajapati, has been arrested by the police after a complaint from the victim.
The video shows Mr Jaiswal lying on the road while Dinesh repeatedly hits him with a stick. The cop then tries to calmly walk away but Dinesh keeps attacking him, with blows landing even on Mr Jaiswal's head.
The video also shows a lot of people witnessing the attack but nobody tries to help.
Dinesh was riding a motorbike when he collided with constable Jai Prakash Jaiswal's motorbike under the limits of Aerodrome police station on Friday afternoon, said Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Police Rajiv Singh Bhadauria.
"Dinesh Prajapati snatched the constable's baton and attacked him when the latter asked him to ride carefully," the official said and added that he was drunk.
Constable Jaiswal suffered serious injuries on the head in the attack, the DCP added.
On the basis of the video of the incident, Prajapati was arrested under IPC section 307 (attempt to murder) and other relevant provisions, he said.
The police are trying to find out if Dinesh has a criminal history.