The rape of a 72-year-old nun in West Bengal's Ranaghat rocked Parliament this morning. As lawmakers from the opposition and treasury benches attacked the state's Mamata Banerjee government, asking why no arrests have been made yet, Union minister M Venkaiah Naidu said this was not a matter to score political "brownie points".
The issue, Mr Naidu said, should not be politicised, even though law and order is a state subject.
Responding to Congress member Gaurav Gogoi's jabs about "acche din", he said, "You cannot expect the Government of India to do something in Haryana or West Bengal. The moment Central government steps in, there will be criticism."
The Centre, he pointed out, cannot accuse or find fault with the state governments. "The government of the day in Bengal has assured that they are taking action," he added.
Earlier, Bengal's opposition CPM and other political leaders representing the state had trained guns on the Mamata Banerjee government.
"We all feel ashamed. Even after 70 hours, no arrest has been made," said CPM's Mohammad Salim. "The state that gave Mother Teresa to the world, has incidents like these happening with a sister."
Speaking in Bengali, the BJP's SS Ahluwalia who represents Darjeeling, called the matter most shameful. "This retired nun doesn't need compensation, she needs justice or else such a government should be discarded."
"These are condemnable incidents. Let's have a civilized debate, don't try to score brownie points," Mr Naidu pointed out.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed deep concern over both incidents. A tweet from the PM's Office this morning said he has sought reports detailing facts and the action taken in both incidents.
On Monday, Christians held vigils across the country to protest against the rape, which took place during an armed assault on a Bengal convent school.
Following a spate of attacks on churches and ceremonies of reconversion, the members of the community had alleged that the BJP-led government is not doing enough to protect them. The rape, they said, was the worst in a series of incidents that was making them feel unwelcome in their own country.
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