Rain and thunderstorms hit parts of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana on Wednesday. In a tweet, the meteorological office warned of "thunderstorm with light to moderate intensity rainfall" in Kasganj area of UP and Fatehabad in Haryana. The eastern parts of UP also saw thunderstorm and lightning in the last 24 hours, the weather office said. Varanasi, Sonbhadra, Bahraich, Maharajganj and Siddharthnagar received moderate rainfall, according to the meteorological department.
The day temperatures rose in Agra, Bareilly, Lucknow and Meerut but there was no large change in the remaining parts of the state, the IMD said. The temperatures were below normal in Gorakhpur, Varanasi and Prayagraj. The highest temperature, at 41 degrees Celsius, was recorded in Agra and the lowest at 21 degrees in Fatehgarh. The weather office has warned of thundershowers at isolated places in eastern UP on Thursday as well.
The Southwest Monsoon has further advanced into most parts of Gujarat, some parts Saurashtra, southeast Rajasthan and some more parts of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, according to the IMD. "The northern limit of Southwest Monsoon continues to pass through Barmer, Bhilwara, Dholpur, Aligarh, Meerut, Ambala and Amritsar," the met department tweeted.
The moist southwesterly winds have strengthened and under its influence "fairly widespread rain is likely over northeast India during next five days," the IMD said. Heavy rain is also likely in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram during next five days.
Severe thunderstorms, accompanied by frequent lightning, are very likely over Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh in the next 24 hours, the IMD said and urged people to stay indoors as it may "cause injuries".