India on Monday successfully test-fired the new-generation Akash missile from an integrated test range off the Odisha coast, an official statement said.
The surface-to-air missile was launched from Chandipur ITR in the afternoon, it said.
The Akash-NG (new-generation) missile will be used by the Indian Air Force to intercept high-manoeuvring low radar cross-section aerial threats, it said.
"The missile intercepted the target with textbook precision. The launch met all the test objectives by performing high manoeuvres during the trajectory.
"The performance of the command and control system, on-board avionics and aerodynamic configuration of the missile was successfully validated during the trial," the statement said.
The Akash-NG system has been developed with better deployability compared to other similar systems. The test launch was carried out by a combined team of DRDO, BDL and BEL in the presence of the Air Force representatives, the statement said.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated the team for the achievement.