This Article is From Jun 27, 2015

Indian High Commissioner to Leave New Zealand After Wife Accused of Assault


Indian High Commissioner to New Zealand Ravi Thapar

Melbourne: Indian High Commissioner in New Zealand is set to leave the country today after allegations that his wife had assaulted a staff member.

High Commissioner Ravi Thapar was formally recalled and a vehicle was seen this morning at his Wellington address, media reports in Melbourne said today.

NZ Radio website said that the police were denied permission to interview both Mr Thapar and his wife Sharmila. Police said that the staff member who made the allegation of assault had returned to India in early May.

Police further said that the victim did not want to press charges. They had since made welfare checks with the man, who said he was fine and happy to be home.

The victim, believed to be a chef, had walked 20 km one night from the diplomat's residence to Wellington where he was found by member of a public in a distress state.

He was then taken to police station and later spent several nights at Wellington Night Shelter. He alleged that he was kept in slavery and was assaulted by Ms Sharmila.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said it is aware Mr Thapar is preparing to leave New Zealand.

"MFAT was aware a staff member raised with New Zealand police concerns about his treatment in the high commission," a spokesman confirmed to the New Zealand Herald.

"MFAT has been advised the individual concerned elected not to take the matter further. That staff member had independent legal representation and decided to return to India."