A passenger aboard an IndiGo flight 6E-2175 from Delhi to Goa physically assaulted the pilot while he was making an announcement regarding delays. The shocking video went viral on social media. The passenger, Sahil Kataria, ran up to Anup Kumar, the flight's co-captain, and slapped him, leaping across a food service trolley that was supposed to be a barrier between Mr Kumar and the passengers, to hit him at least once before he was dragged off by a fellow passenger. Now, Paytm's Chief Executive Officer reacted to the same incident and stated that "road rage is coming to aircrafts".
Vijay Shekhar Sharma took to X (formerly Twitter) and wrote, "Road rage is coming to aircrafts. I am sure, we all understand crew is guided by ATC and doesn't delay a flight on their own. This is completely unacceptable!" He added that passengers need to understand those who provide "services in any hour and weather."
"We must respect and honour who standby and give us services in any hour and weather," he added and shared the video of the incident.
Several internet users agreed with Mr Sharma. "What does the pilot or cabin crew have to do with the delay? They were just doing their job. Be whatever reason, the guy's action isn't justified!" remarked a user.
"Money can't buy character ethics patience class and morals," commented a person.
Ex Managing Director of Google Parminder Singh added, "Air-rage is a thing now. Airlines staff don't deserve this. They are simply the unfortunate final link in a lengthy chain of operations. Not cool."
"Such guys should be banned for no fly in any airlines. Such a pathetic behaviour," said another user.
Meanwhile, according to reports, Mr Kataraia is now in Delhi Police's custody. A police case under multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code has been registered, including 'voluntarily causing hurt' and Section 41 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which allows police to execute arrests without a warrant. All sections charged are bailable, sources have told NDTV.
Weather conditions in and around Delhi-NCR have been poor for several days, with a cold wave and heavy fog leading to multiple delays, cancellations, and diversions daily. At least 168 flights were delayed and nearly 100 were cancelled today.