Industrialist Vinay Mittal, who is wanted in seven bank fraud cases worth Rs 40 crore, has been extradited to India from Indonesia, CBI officials said on Tuesday. His name had figured in a list of prominent fugitive economic offenders of the government, which also contained the names of Vijay Mallya, Nitin Sandesara, Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi and Jatin Mehta.
The probe agency field cases against Mr Mittal in 2014 and 2016 on the request of Corporation Bank and Punjab National Bank, which is burdened with a Rs 13,000 crore bank fraud allegedly perpetrated by Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi.
The agency had filed seven chargesheets in Delhi and Ghaziabad courts against him after which he escaped from India, the officials said.
A court declared him as an absconder and the agency issued a Red Corner Notice against him, they said. After a thorough search, he was traced along with his family in Bali, Indonesia, they said.
He was arrested by Indonesian authorities in January 2017 based on the Red Corner Notice, they said. Recently, Indonesia cleared his extradition to India following which he was sent this month, the officials said.
He was arrested immediately on his arrival and sent to judicial custody, they said. Another businessman, Mohammad Yahya, who was deported from Behrain and wanted in a Rs 46 lakh bank fraud case, has been arrested too, the officials said.
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