Prime Minister Narendra Modi showered praises on nurses across the country on International Nurses Day. PM Modi took to Twitter and wrote: "International Nurses Day is a day to express gratitude to the hardworking nursing staff, who is at the forefront of fighting COVID-19. Their sense of duty, compassion and commitment towards a healthy India is exemplary." International Nurses Day is observed every year on May 12, to commemorate the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, perhaps the most famous nurse who started formal training for nurses.
Nurses are the backbone of the hospitals and clinics taking care of the millions of COVID-19 patients for months putting their lives at risk. The theme for this year's International Nurses Day is Nurses: A Voice to Lead - A Vision for Future Healthcare.
According to the WHO, ''nurses account for more than half of all the world's health workers, yet there is an urgent shortage of nurses worldwide with 5.9 million (2020) more nurses still needed, especially in low- and middle-income countries.
Union Health Minister and others posted touching ''Thank You'' messages on International Nurses Day.
Happy Nurses Day 2021!