This Article is From Jun 20, 2017

International Yoga Day: 5 Food Rituals You Should Follow Along with Yoga

All India


  • 21st June marks International Yoga Day
  • One's diet plays a crucial role in being healthy and fit
  • Along with yoga, one should follow these food rituals
21st June marks International Yoga Day, which is gaining huge popularity across the globe with every passing year. This ancient Indian form of physical fitness is touted to be one of the most effective medium to stay healthy and fit, both physically and mentally. With the core philosophy relying on breathing patterns, different yoga asanas or poses can help your body in many ways - from stretching and increasing blood circulation to weight loss, regulating blood sugar and blood pressure, increasing concentration and more. But it is also important to note that one's diet too plays a crucial role in achieving the desired results.

Yoga is about discipline, and one needs to adhere to various daily rituals to enhance the effects of yoga. Here are some basic rituals you could follow -

1. Wake Up and Drink Warm Water

This is a common ritual which is often recommended by doctors as well as grandmothers. Starting your morning with a cup of warm water can benefit the body by flushing out toxins. "Drink half a litre of warm water as soon as you wake up, which will help in removing that acidic layer in your body that occurs while sleeping, as well as ease stool movement," says Yogi Anoop from Chaitanya Foundation.

2. King-Size Breakfast or a Light Meal?

We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it should be eaten like a king. However, according to The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies by Vasant Lad, "Your meal should be fairly light in the hot months, and more substantial in cold weather. Vata and Pitta people should eat some breakfast, whereas kaphas are usually better off if they don't eat, since eating during kapha time will increase kapha in the body."

Diet plays a crucial role to stay fit and healthy

3. No Drinking Water During Mealtime

Water is the elixir of life, but at what time to drink, and how much of it is ideal is something not everyone is certain of. Seven to eight cups of water a day is a must, but it shouldn't be close to your mealtime, particularly 30 minutes before and after taking meals. If you really feel the need then you should sip on a little warm water, which will help in improving digestion and metabolism. One should strictly steer clear of iced tea and aerated cold drinks as much as possible.

Yogi Anoop adds, "One must consume one or two glasses of water before sleeping, which will not only help induce sleep but is also good for the overall system. You could also add in 1 tsp of flaxseed powder, which is good for brain health. "

4. No Eating After 8 PM

A lot of health experts stand by the fact that eating your dinner early has beneficial effects on the body. According to Ayurveda too, eating after 8 PM is not advisable. One must observe a break of two hours between dinner and sleep time, as it induces good sleep and prevents heart ailments.

5. Practice Mindful Eating

A little discretion while eating can actually go a long way, bringing about long time health benefits. Author Vasant Lad recommends that one should not eat food while watching television. Paying attention while eating is crucial. "Eating food with attention becomes meditation. And when you are eating with awareness, you will not eat too much, you'll eat just sufficient amount,'' he notes in his book.
