Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar met Prime Minister Narendra Modi this evening on the eve of his birthday. The Chief Minister tweeted the details of the meeting, saying they discussed multiple issues including projects involving crops and water and that he invited PM Modi for the foundation ceremony of a railway project.
"Met the Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in New Delhi today on the eve of his birthday, and congratulated him. Many important issues of Haryana and many topics related to development were discussed in detail," he said in a Hindi tweet.
Later, he told reporters that they have discussed multiple projects linked to family identity cards, crops and water.
"I had not met him for a long time... I have invited him to come to Haryana," the Chief Minister said.
"I have invited the Prime Minister for the foundation ceremony of a project... Our Railway Orbital Corridor is going to be built along with PEMP (the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Expressway). If he comes to lay the foundation stone it will be a fortunate occasion for us," he added.
The construction of the Orbital Rail Corridor connecting Palwal to Sonipat via Sohna, Manesar and Kharkhouda is expected begin by 2025.
The broad gauge double line will be for both passengers and freight traffic and will provide seamless connectivity to Dedicated Freight Corridors.
This project is expected to benefit the industrial hubs of Kharkhouda, Manesar and Sohna and help in the development of this region.
PM Modi's 71st birthday on September 17 will be marked by a 20-day mega event "Seva and Samarpan Abhiyan" to mark his "20 years in public service", the BJP has said. There are also plans to hold a record number of vaccinations for Covid.
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