Former Union Minister P Chidambaram has been taken to Delhi's Tihar jail after a special CBI court ordered him to judicial custody. Mr Chidambaram, 74, will be in jail till September 19, the court said, accepting the CBI's argument that he should be sent to judicial custody.
The Supreme Court today refused to grant protection to Congress leader P Chidambaram over corruption allegations in the INX Media case, saying that the investigating agency, Enforcement Directorate, has to be given sufficient freedom to conduct its probe, and the grant of anticipatory bail at this stage would hamper investigation. P Chidambaram now faces arrest by the Enforcement Directorate.
"Anticipatory bail has to be exercised sparingly in cases of economic offences. Considering the facts and circumstances, this is not a fit case to grant anticipatory bail," the Supreme Court said, in a huge blow to Mr Chidambaram, who has spent 15 days in CBI custody.
Here are the LIVE updates on P Chidambaram's cases:
Those with the power of truth have the strength to fight any injustice.
- Congress (@INCIndia) September 5, 2019
As I have been saying it's a non case. Been dragged into only due to political vendetta. I have no connection to Aircel Maxis or to FIPB. I had an Aircel sim though :) and in time this INX bogey will also be slayed
- Karti P Chidambaram (@KartiPC) September 5, 2019
"Not Fit Case": Top Court Rejects P Chidambaram's Pre-Arrest Bail Request #NDTVNewsBeeps
- NDTV (@ndtv) September 5, 2019