This Article is From Aug 27, 2010

Is he responsible for 103 missing trucks of explosives?

Bhopal: After being on the run for over a month, Jaikishan Aswani has finally surrendered to the police. He's the man, the police believe, who can help unravel the mystery of 163 trucks carrying explosives that never reached their destination.

He owns two explosives trading companies in Sagar and Chanderi. Though his licence was revoked in March this year, he's alleged to have ordered a huge consignment of explosives from a government factory in Dholpur, Rajasthan. (Read: 103 more explosive laden trucks missing)

His arrest may help answers some key questions like: Where were the trucks diverted? Who actually got the explosives, and were the employees of the government factory in Dholpur involved?

Two of his alleged accomplices Shivcharan Hedha and his wife Deepa Hedha, owners of Ajay explosives in Rajgarh district, where some of the trucks had been diverted are still on the run.

"Jaikishan surrendered at the Baheriya station, but so far he has not revealed anything. The police is also on the lookout for Shiv Charan Hedha. Once we find him we will get to know what happened to the explosives," said Manoj Sen, Additional Superintendent of Police, Sagar.

The Madhya Pradesh government that suspects the involvement of a bigger racket wants the Centre to take over investigations.  

"It is not only about one Explosive factory at Dholpur. All the factories that are supplying explosives should be covered in the investigation. Considering the adverse circumstances in the country, it cannot be ruled out that some of the explosives could have reached the wrong hands. Therefore it is imperative that the Centre takes over the investigation," said Uma Shanker Gupta, Home Minister, Madhya Pradesh.