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In just a few days, the monsoon will hit Mumbai -- a city scarred by the deluge of 2005, which killed at least 500 people. But is Mumbai which sees some of the worst flooding every year, battle ready?
By now, 90 per cent of the city's 3,000 km network of storm water drains have been cleaned. But only two of four pumping stations meant to pump water from flooded areas are ready, because local residents have blocked the other two projects.
The Mithi river, which overflowed during the Mumbai's worst deluge has been desilted. Also the rocks here will try to ensure that rainwater does not flow out. However, the bad news is that the Mithi has not been widened sufficiently.
But when it comes to weather prediction and communication, Mumbai seems to be least prepared. A Doppler radar which helps predict heavy rainfall will only be installed by July. A new radio system meant to connect municipal staff when phone lines fail is also not up.
For the first time ever, the civic staff has been trained in rescue operations -- a step that will make a major difference.