This Article is From Mar 11, 2012

Israeli car bomb attack: Man arrested a journalist or spy?

New Delhi: The family of Syed Mohammed Kazmi, the Indian journalist who has been arrested in connection with the attack on an Israeli diplomat last month, has said that he is an innocent man who spoke the truth and has done a lot for India.

Mr Kazmi was arrested on March 7 under the Explosive Substances Act, for attempt to murder, criminal conspiracy and was also booked under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.

Mr Kazmi's family feels that he is being punished for exercising his right: freedom of speech, but government sources say it is perhaps too early to come to any conclusion.

Mr Kazmi's son, Taurab Kazmi, while recalling his services to the nation said his father was innocent. "He is a journalist who spoke the truth. He did so much for the country and now he has been arrested for being an international terrorist," he said.

As evidence of his credibility, Mr Kazmi's family has a collection of his photographs with the prime minister, the former prime minister, and a range of national and international leaders.

Though Mr Kazmi had extreme views on the on-going Israel-Palestine conflict, it did not affect his work. He reported for Doordarshan News, covered the Iraq war and was also a retainer with IRNA, Iran's state news agency.

According to sources, agencies investigating the car bomb attack believe that Mr Kazmi helped the bomber, an Iranian national who stayed with him and used his vehicle to recce the Israeli embassy. Sources add the agencies don't think Mr Kazmi did not personally plant the bomb.  

Reacting to these allegations, Mr. Kazmi's son Taurab says that no Iranian had ever stayed with them. "No Iranian stayed with us. The vehicle belongs to my uncle he used it go to the hospital," he said.

Sources say the operations to get Kazmi involved Research and Analysis Wing, India's external intelligence agency with support from the Israeli Mossad. His arrest was cleared at the highest levels in the home ministry.

While his family prays for his release, the Delhi Union of Journalists has written to the Delhi Commissioner and Home Minister P Chidambaram asking for Mr Kazmi to be released on bail.

Tal Yeshowa, the wife of an Israeli diplomat was injured in an attack on February 13 in Delhi's high security Race Course Road area. A motorcyclist came from behind and planted what police call a 'sticky bomb' on the vehicle in which she was travelling. Four people were injured in the incident. Ms Yeshowa was hospitalised and operated for spinal injuries before being flown back to Israel.  