The Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) spokesperson Eada Rajasekhar Reddy, while speaking to ANI on Tuesday, said the party has never had any plans to join any alliance either at the central level or at the state level. He also denied the reports of being offered ministerial berths in Union Cabinet and the party joining NDA.
YSRCP maintains equal distance with all parties, be it BJP or Congress or Trinamool Congress or Left parties at the central level, and with JSP or even TDP at the state level; YSRCP allies only with people, the general public, and keeps equal distance with any party, said Mr Reddy.
Rajasekhar Reddy further said that the YSRCP-led state government has cordial relations with BJP-led central government. As of now, YSRCP hasn't received any call from Mamata Banerjee and also his party is not interested in joining any coalition, he added.
It is the party president and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy who will take the final call on such issues, he said.
When asked about the reports of Congress and YSRCP inching forward towards each other, he outrightly denied and recalled the bitter experiences with the Congress. He said that there is no chance of YSRCP going together with Congress as the Congress party is a sunken ship in Andhra Pradesh, and YSRCP doesn't need to join hands with them.