On a day India dazzled the world at the Oscars, MPs paused work to praise the makers of "The Elephant Whisperers" and RRR's Naatu Naatu song. During these commendations, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar shared that in different circumstances, he may have become an actor.
"If I hadn't become a lawyer, I would definitely have been into acting," Mr Dhankhar, 71, said in Rajya Sabha during a Special Mention on India's Oscar winners.
He spoke after MDMK leader Vaiko expressed pride that a second Oscar came home to Tamil Nadu after AR Rahman's win in 2009.
Mr Dhankhar's comment set off laughter and loud comments from the opposition benches. "If that were the case, the sentiments that we are expressing now, we would have done the same for you," a Congress MP quipped.
The Rajya Sabha chairman smiled sportingly before moving on.
On a more serious note, Mr Dhankhar said: "These achievements reflect a global appreciation of the vast talent, immense creativity and committed dedication of Indian artists. Indeed another facet of our global rise and recognition."
Lighter moments have been rare in parliament since the Budget session resumed on Monday, with the ruling BJP launching a fierce offensive against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his recent remarks on India in the UK.
Both houses were adjourned repeatedly because of opposition protests and the BJP's counterattack.
The Elephant Whisperers won Best Documentary Short and the chartbusting Naatu Naatu won an Oscar for Best Original Song at the academy awards.