The BJP on Wednesday tweeted a video in which it explained the central government's decision to end special status to Jammu and Kashmir, saying Article 370 of the Constitution was like a "curse" for the state. The party said the centre's move would bring people into the mainstream.
Article 370 gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir which allowed the state to frame its own laws except on subjects of foreign policy and defence.
The party, in the animated video, listed several points to make its case.
"Terrorism flourished because of Article 370; because of it, 41,000 people died," read a Hindi text in the video.
The special status was an impediment to the development of the state, the party said in the clip.
Doctors from other parts of the country didn't want to go to the state, it said, echoing Home Minister Amit Shah's speech in parliament on Article 370.
अनुच्छेद 370 हटने के बाद जम्मू-कश्मीर में हुआ नए सूर्य का उदय,
— BJP (@BJP4India) August 14, 2019
विकास की मुख्यधारा से जुड़ेंगे जम्मू-कश्मीर और लद्दाख के गरीब, पिछड़े, वंचित, युवा, महिलाएं और अन्य सभी वर्ग के लोग। #BharatEKHai
The party also listed "benefits" of doing away with Article 370, saying the move will attract investment and people from other states will be able to work in Jammu and Kashmir.
"National flag, national symbols will not be insulted," a postulate in the video read.
"A new sun has risen after the abrogation of Article 370. People from the poor, backward, deprived, youth, women and all the other sections of Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh will be brought into the mainstream," the party tweeted in Hindi.
Apart from the end of special status, the government also announced bifurcation of the state into two union territories-- Jammu And Kashmir and Ladakh. Article 35A - which gave exclusive rights to residents of the state to own property - was also abolished.
While some opposition parties supported the government's move, others - led by the Congress - slammed the centre for not consulting the stakeholders.
Since before the order was announced last week, the state has been under an unprecedented security cover and prohibitory orders banning large gatherings - a day before the government announced its big decisions on the state.
Telephone and internet was blacked out and mainstream politicians of Kashmir, including former Chief Ministers Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti were placed under arrest.
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