A woman from Japan who was manhandled by a group of men in Delhi during Holi celebrations on Wednesday has reacted to the horrifying incident through a series of tweets. She termed the incident as "unfortunate" and said she "participated in the festival with 35 of her friends", in tweets roughly translated from Japanese.
"I had heard that it was very dangerous for a woman to go out alone during the daytime at the Holi festival, an Indian festival that I participated in, so I participated in the event with a total of 35 other friends," she said.
A video of the incident, which went viral on social media, showed a group of men smearing colour on the woman, who appeared uncomfortable. It also showed one of them smashing an egg on her head. The video was shot in Paharganj area.
The woman also expressed her love for India and said, "I love everything about India, I have been there many times and it is a fascinating country. India and Japan will forever be 'Tomodachi' (friends)."
The woman had tweeted the video on Thursday before removing it soon after. She said she "was terrified" by the reactions to the video so she "deleted the tweet".
"On March 9, I tweeted a video of Holi, but after that, the number of RTs and DMs increased more than I had imagined, and I was terrified, so I deleted the tweet," she tweeted in Japanese.
Though the woman is yet to file a complaint, the police have taken note of the video.
Three people, including a juvenile, have been detained in connection with the incident so far. They all are residents of an area near Paharganj and have confessed to their involvement in the incident, police said.
"The police have promised to strengthen their crackdown, and we hope harassment against women will decrease significantly," the woman said.
The girl was staying at a hotel in Paharganj before leaving for Bangladesh on Friday.