An iconic dialogue from the Bollywood blockbuster "Sholay" has landed a Madhya Pradesh police officer in trouble. The cop has been served with a notice after he was caught on camera shouting the dialogue on a loudspeaker while on patrol duty in Jhabua district, about 300 km from state capital Bhopal.
KL Dangi, the police officer who was seen in the clip that has been widely shared on social media, is the in-charge of Kalyanpura police station in Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh.
In the 15-second video, Mr Dangi is seen saying an altered version of the popular "So ja beta nahi to Gabbar aa jayega" (Sleep my son, or Gabbar will come) dialogue from a megaphone mounted on his police jeep.
"Kalyanpura se 50-50 km ki duri par jab bachcha rotaa hai to maa kehti hai chup ho ja beta nahi to Dangi aa jayega. (When a child cries even as far as 50 km away from Kalyanpura, their mothers tell them to go to sleep or Dangi will come)," the cop was heard as saying.
Show-cause notice issued to KL Dangi, Incharge of Kalyanpura Police station in Jhabua who was spotted saying an altered version of ''Sholay'' from a megaphone mounted on his police jeep @ndtv @ndtvindia
— Anurag Dwary (@Anurag_Dwary) November 16, 2020
The dialogue was originally orated in the 1975 hit Bollywood flick Sholay by legendary actor Amjad Khan.
According to officials, a show-cause notice has been issued to the cop.
"A video of Dangi has gone viral on the internet. A show-cause notice has been issued to him. Further action will be taken in the matter after a preliminary enquiry," senior police official Anand Singh said.
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