Jharkhand got a commitment of nearly Rs 10,000 crore investments during a two-day event attended by Chief Minister Hemant Soren, the state government said in a statement today. Mr Soren, after launching the Jharkhand Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy (JIIPP) in Delhi, said the state is setting up the country's largest floating solar power plant.
Tata Steel has expressed intent to invest Rs 3,000 crore over the next three years and Dalmia Group has signed a memorandum of understanding to expand their cement plant, set up a solar and solid waste management plant, the Jharkhand government said in the statement.
Among the investors who have expressed interest, SAIL has committed an investment of Rs 4,000 Crore, Adhunik Power has signed an MoU for investments worth Rs 1,900 crore and Prem Rubber Works signed an MoU to invest Rs 50 crore, it said.
All potential investors who would commit to engage 35 per cent of their workforce from Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes communities will be incentivised over and above the provisions of the new JIIPP 2021, the Jharkhand government said.
"The state government wants to move forward with the cooperation of the investors. We are trying to leverage the infinite resources which the nature has gifted to Jharkhand and walk the path of development," Mr Soren said.
खनन और खनिज आधारित उद्योगों से इतर झारखण्ड की असीम संभावनाओं और प्रतिभाशाली मानव संसाधन की बदौलत हम राज्य को आगे ले जाना चाहते हैं।
— Hemant Soren (@HemantSorenJMM) August 27, 2021
विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में निवेश बढ़ाने को लेकर आज नई दिल्ली में उद्योग जगत से जुड़े कई लीडर्स के साथ मुलाकात करने का अवसर मिला। आप सभी का स्वागत है। pic.twitter.com/oLiD6IVlUd
"In this quest, we expect your cooperation. The government has stepped up and we will not stop here. From the very beginning, the state government has been deliberating upon how to generate employment in Jharkhand... Our focus largely revolved around industries based on mines and minerals. They are undoubtedly immensely valuable and will continue to be the backbone but we are now also working in the field of tourism, education, renewable energy, food processing, automobile, pharma and textiles," the Chief Minister said.
"Many industries remained closed due to the nationwide imposed lockdown to curb the spread the pandemic. This caused a problem in employment generation. We had to work out some solution. Our internal resources came to the rescue, we used them to provide benefit to our people..." Mr Soren said.
During the event, Chief Secretary Sukhdev Singh, indicating towards the Chief Minister seated near him, said, "The Chief Minister of a state with seven of his top bureaucrats flies 1,000 km from Ranchi to Delhi to solicit and woo investors. This is a great change; this is a paradigm shift from shooing to wooing. This has been possible because the government knows that the development of our state or country is not possible without investment and innovation."
Pooja Singhal , Secretary of Industries, presented on the details of the new policy as well as the landmark Adityapur Electronic Manufucturing Cluster, seeking to turn Jharkhand into an electronics manufacturing hub.
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