A special CBI court acquitted actor Sooraj Pancholi in the suicide case of actor Jiah Khan. She was found dead at her Juhu home, in Mumbai, on June 3, 2013.
June 2013
Jiah Khan was found dead at her home in Juhu, Mumbai, on June 3. A six-page letter, purportedly written by the 25-year-old actress, is given to the police by Jiah Khan's family. A week later, Sooraj Pancholi, son of actors Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab, is arrested on charges of abetment to suicide.
July 2013
Sooraj Pancholi is granted bail by the Bombay High Court and asked to surrender his passport.
October 2013
Jiah Khan's mother Rabia alleges that her daughter was murdered and that she did not die by suicide. The Bombay High Court directs the police to further investigate the case.
July 2014
The case is transferred to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) after the Mumbai Police concludes that Jiah Khan took her own life. Sooraj Pancholi's parents file a Rs 100 crore defamation suit against Rabia Khan.
August 2014
The CBI registers a formal case to probe the death of the Bollywood actress.
May 2015
The CBI searches Aditya and Sooraj Pancholi's residences in connection with the case.
December 2015
CBI files chargesheet against Sooraj Pancholi.
CBI rules out any foul play, and tells High Court that Jiah Khan died by suicide.
A special CBI court rejects the plea for further investigation into the case related to Sooraj Pancholi
The sessions court claims it doesn't have jurisdiction after the CBI probe. The case gets reassigned to a special CBI court.
The Bombay High Court seeks a fresh investigation.
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