This Article is From Apr 09, 2012

John Terry resemblance prompts govt to pick new image for cigarette packs

New Delhi: On every packet of cigarettes sold in India since December last year, a photograph of a man with cloudy lungs accompanies the warning "Smoking Kills". The man is in silhouette.

Now, that picture has to change, after complaints that it was based on an internet photo of English footballer John Terry. Sources say that tobacco company Godfrey Philips, manufacturers of Marlboro, Four Square, Cavanders and Red and White has written to the government to warn it of a potential lawsuit from Mr Terry.
Government sources also say that the image used is not of Mr Terry, but the photo will be changed as a matter of "abundant caution."  So seven drawings have been submitted to the Health Ministry for review, and one of these will be used in future for cigarette packs.

This new image will be introduced once the existing stock of cigarettes in the market is used up; there is no attempt for now to withdraw packs already in the market.

In 2009, the Supreme Court made it mandatory for tobacco companies to have pictorial warnings on cigarette packs.  The image currently in use was chosen by the Directorate of Visual Publicity and sent across to tobacco companies for printing on the packs.
