A Delhi-based journalist was taken in custody for allegedly sharing an objectionable post against Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on social media, the police have said. The action was taken against him on a complaint filed by a police officer in Lucknow on Friday, alleging he tried to "malign" the Chief Minister's image.
A senior police official initially said that the journalist, Prashant Kanojia, has been arrested. But he later clarified that no arrest has been made, news agency Press Trust of India reported.
The official said the police were trying to question the journalist.
Mr Kanojia had shared a video on Twitter and Facebook where a woman is seen speaking to reporters of various media organisations outside the Chief Minister's office, claiming that she had sent a marriage proposal to Yogi Adityanath.
The verified Twitter handle of Mr Kanojia said that he is an alumnus of Indian Institute of Mass Communication and Mumbai University and has been associated with some media organisations.
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