The Uttar Pradesh Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) has informed the Allahabad High Court that the three Judges, who delivered the Babri Masjid Verdict in 2010, faced attack threats by members of the Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), and the activists are in the process to constitute a fresh module to assault the judges.
The statement, given to the court by the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of the ATS, said that in March and April this year there was an imminent threat to the lives of the judges who decided the title suite of the Babri Masjid.
The statement said that Justice Sudhir Agarwal, one of the three judges that formed the decision-making bench, was stopped by anti-social elements in Ghaziabad in July 2011. The judge, who was in his car, escaped a possible assault and had revealed that he had no police escort with him during the incident.
The state government has been ordered to hold and enquiry into the incident.
The Registrar also received a letter from another Judge Justice DV Sharma who has also complained about not being provided appropriate security by the government of Uttaranchal.
The state government has decided to provide round the clock Z-Category of security, which includes two gunners along with two escorts, to all the three judges.
The DIG of ATS and the home secretary will meet to decide that the security needs to be reviewed in case of an enhanced threat perception.
One of the judges Justice S U Khan has refused any security cover. The courts have asked the government to persuade the judge to accept security.
The statement, given to the court by the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of the ATS, said that in March and April this year there was an imminent threat to the lives of the judges who decided the title suite of the Babri Masjid.
The statement said that Justice Sudhir Agarwal, one of the three judges that formed the decision-making bench, was stopped by anti-social elements in Ghaziabad in July 2011. The judge, who was in his car, escaped a possible assault and had revealed that he had no police escort with him during the incident.
The state government has been ordered to hold and enquiry into the incident.
The Registrar also received a letter from another Judge Justice DV Sharma who has also complained about not being provided appropriate security by the government of Uttaranchal.
The state government has decided to provide round the clock Z-Category of security, which includes two gunners along with two escorts, to all the three judges.
The DIG of ATS and the home secretary will meet to decide that the security needs to be reviewed in case of an enhanced threat perception.
One of the judges Justice S U Khan has refused any security cover. The courts have asked the government to persuade the judge to accept security.
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