A day after Kangana Ranaut claimed that Mumbai civic officials have threatened to demolish her office amid her war of words with the Maharashtra government, the Bollywood actor today posted an update on Twitter. The civic officials didn't demolish her office and instead put a notice "to stop leakage work that is going on in the office", the actor tweeted.
The actor said the civic body officials had received criticism from "my friends on social media" after the actor put a video of officials at her office in Mumbai's Khar (West).
Because of the criticism that @mybmc received from my friends on social media, they didn't come with a bulldozer today instead stuck a notice to stop leakage work that is going on in the office, friends I may have risked a lot but I find immense love and support from you all ???? pic.twitter.com/2yr7OkWDAb
- Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 8, 2020
Ms Ranaut, who is in a rapidly escalating political row over comments on the Sushant Singh Rajput case that compare Mumbai to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, had claimed that officials visited her office - Manikarnika Films, a movie production house -- unannounced on Monday and "harassed" her neighbours when they retorted.
"They have forcefully taken over my office... measuring everything, also harassing my neighbours when they retorted... BMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) officials used language like, 'What that Madame has done... everybody will have to bear the brunt'," Ms Ranaut said in a video posted on Twitter Monday afternoon. The "Queen" actor had then claimed that officials have threatened to demolish her office on Tuesday (today).
The actor then hit back in another tweet, pointing out that she had the required permissions and "nothing illegal (has been done) in my property".
The notice pointed out over a dozen alterations in the bungalow, like a "toilet being converted into office cabin" and "new toilets being constructed along side the staircase", a BMC official was quoted by news agency PTI. The corporation has asked the actor to respond within 24 hours to let the civic body know if she had any approvals for the work, he said.
The 33-year-old actor has drawn sharp attacks from Maharashtra's ruling Shiv Sena over comments on Mumbai Police's handling of the Sushant Rajput case. Ms Ranaut, currently in her native Himachal Pradesh, had said that with the current Sena-led government, she feared living in Mumbai.
Her comments had drawn a sharp response from the ruling Shiv Sena and the NCP with State Home Minister Anil Deshmukh saying that the actor should "not return to Mumbai if she feels unsafe".
Ms Ranaut, however, has said she plans to travel to Mumbai tomorrow and has also dared Sena leaders, or others, to stop her.
On Monday, the centre announced that Ms Ranaut, 33, will be given Y-Plus cover on basis of a "threat assessment report". Kangana Ranaut is set to be the first Bollywood actor to receive CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) security cover. The "Queen" actor will join an elite club that includes Chief Justice of India SA Bobde and Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad.
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