Actor Kangana Ranaut, who scored a big win last week against Mumbai's civic body in the Bombay High Court, today moved a petition in the Supreme Court over the demolition of her office. If the BMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) challenges last week's High Court order in the top court, "no decision should be taken" without listening to her side, the 33-year-old actor has urged the top court.
On Friday, the Bombay High Court had cancelled the notice by the BMC on the demolition of Ms Ranaut's office in a bungalow at Mumbai's Pali Hill, calling it "nothing but malice in law". The High Court also said Ms Ranaut will be compensated for the damages.
The civic body had demolished a part of the office on September 9 over "illegal construction" amid a heated political row between the "Queen" actor and the ruling Shiv Sena government that started after actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death on June 14, and then turned ugly.
Ms Ranaut had at that time hit out at Maharashtra's ruling Shiv Sena - which controls the BMC - for ordering the demolition as revenge for her comments.
The High Court in September had stayed the civic body's action as it observed the demolition happened "when she is out of state, directing her to respond within 24 hours, and not granting her any further time, despite written request...".
The 33-year-old had also sought a compensation of Rs 2 crore from the municipal agency for what she called an "illegal" demolition.
Last week, the High Court said it was appointing a valuer who would hear the petition and the civic body on monetary damages caused to her. "The valuer shall by March 2021 pass appropriate orders on compensation," the court said.
Welcoming the court's decision, Ms Ranaut tweeted: "When individual stands against the government and wins, it's not the victory of the individual but it's the victory of the democracy. Thank you everyone who gave me courage and thanks to those who laughed at my broken dreams. It's only cause you play a villain so I can be a hero."
The High Court, however, told Ms Ranaut to show restraint in "airing" her comments. "Petitioner should show restraint in airing opinions on the government," the court cautioned the actor. "We do not agree with what she has said," the bench noted, while also warning Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut.
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