Actor Kangana Ranaut will face a drugs probe ordered by the Maharashtra government in the latest twist in her ongoing feud with the ruling Shiv Sena. The investigation has started two days after her office in Mumbai was partly demolished by civic officials over alleged illegal alterations.
Mumbai Police launched a probe after it received today the state Home Department's letter ordering an investigation into Kangana Ranaut's drug links based on an old interview of an actor.
State Home Minister Anil Deshmukh had said in the assembly that allegations of the "Queen" actor using drugs would be probed on the basis of comments by actor Adhyayan Suman.
In a 2016 interview, Adhyayan Suman, who reportedly dated Kangana Ranaut once, had alleged that she asked him to use drugs at a party in 2008.
Adhyayan Suman has refused to comment on the probe based on his remarks. Stating that he didn't want to be dragged into the "toxicity", he tweeted: "Please do not drag my name in this!! I was ridiculed back in 2016 for speaking out by these media channels and now I am sorry I have nothing to say!"
Kangana Ranaut has accused the Shiv Sena, which heads the Maharashtra government and controls the Mumbai civic body, of targeting her in a war of words over the Sushant Singh Rajput case. She had criticized the handling of the case by the Mumbai police and said she didn't feel safe in the city. The row peaked when she compared Mumbai to Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK), infuriating the Shiv Sena.
On Wednesday, a demolition squad started bringing down what it called illegal alterations to her office in Mumbai's Pali Hills while she was on a flight to the city. The Bombay High Court ordered the civic agency to stop the demolition.
The same day, Kangana Ranaut, lashed out at Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray in a video in which she addressed him as "tu" (an informal version of you).
"Uddhav Thackeray, tujhe kya lagta hai? (what do you think?) That you colluded along with the film mafia, demolished my home and took revenge on me? My home was demolished today, your arrogance will crumble tomorrow," the outspoken actor had said.
Kangana Ranaut has been one of the vocal supporters of an investigation into actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death on June 14 and its possible links with what she calls toxic rivalries, bullying and nepotism in Bollywood. Sushant Singh Rajput's girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty has been arrested on charges of buying drugs for him.
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