Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai met Union Minister Piyush Goyal today and requested him to sanction mega textile parks in three districts of the state under the PM Mega Integrated Textile Region and Apparel Parks (PM MITRA) scheme.
Chief Minister Bommai said the Karnataka government has decided to establish international-level mega textile parks in Kalaburgi, Tumkur and Vijayapura districts under the PM MITRA scheme.
These three districts are located close to national and state highways and are also connected well with all important cities and ports.
"Establishing mega textile parks in these districts will help in converting them into textile headquarters. Besides, it will help in fulfilling Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' dream in the textile sector," Mr Bommai said.
Requesting the centre to include the three districts under the PM MITRA scheme, Mr Bommai added, "The three districts are in a position to provide skilled human resources required for the textile industry."
Seeking an immediate release of nearly 50,000 metric tonnes of rice immediately, Mr Bommai also appealed to Union Minister Goyal to reconsider rules as the centre has restricted only 10,000 metric tonnes of rice to Karnataka.
"The centre must consider releasing 2 lakh metric tonnes of rice to Karnataka under open market sale scheme till March 23, by considering it as a special case, and immediately release 50,000 metric tonnes of rice," he added.