Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan launched the historic Kartarpur Corridor Project. Navjot Singh Sidhu, Harsimrat Kaur Badal and Hardeep Puri are in Pakistan for the event. Days after PM Modi announced the construction of the Kartarpur corridor, Pakistan Prime Minister will today lay the foundation stone in Kartarpur for the passage that will link Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, the final resting place of Guru Nanak Dev in Pakistan, to Dera Baba Nanak in Gurdaspur. The foundation stone for the religious corridor was laid in India two days ago by Punjab Chief Minister Amrinder Singh and Vice President Venkaiah Naidu.
The event in Narowal, 120 kilometers from Lahore, has made headlines for its invitees and attendees. Union Ministers Harsimrat Kaur Badal and Hardeep Singh Puri left for Pakistan today as the Indian government's representatives along with Punjab minister Navjot Sidhu who was among the first to accept the invitation. His attendance was contested by Amarinder Singh who had asked him to reconsider his decision to visit Pakistan. Imran Khan, senior politicians of Pakistan's Punjab province and a host of top officials will be attending today's event on the Pakistani's side.
Here are the highlights of the Kartarpur corridor event:
Punjab: Union Ministers Harsimrat Kaur Badal and Hardeep Singh Puri cross Attari-Wagah border to return to India. The two ministers attended the ground-breaking ceremony of #KartarpurCorridor in Pakistan earlier today.
- ANI (@ANI) November 28, 2018
"Yaar Dildaar @ImranKhanPTI," says @sherryontopp at #Kartapur event
- NDTV Videos (@ndtvvideos) November 28, 2018
- If we want to end poverty... we should focus on working together...
- China has pulled out over 70,000 crore people out of poverty...
- If India moves one step towards us, we will move two steps in their direction...
- I want to welcome all, specially my friend Sidhu.... I want to mention how Mr Sidhu faced a lot of wrath when he went back after meeting me 3 months back...
- Dont understand what was the wrath all about...He extended a hand of friendship... for two countries, who have nuclear weapons... Would anybody in their right mind want two nuclear nations to engage into war... Sidhu did the right thing... He deserves praise.
- I hope we don't have to wait for Navjot Sidhu to become India's PM for two countries to become friends... I hope better sense prevails... and leadership realises how two nations can co-exist..
- I remember my days as a cricketer... when I visited India... the two countries did not have the best of relations, but I was received with immense warmth there...
- The only thing important here is the leadership needs to have the political will
- If France and Germany, the two countries which fought many wars, can co-exist... why can't others...
- Their leadership focussed on bigger causes... Why Cant India and Pak do that
- Yes, people have been killed in India and Pak but the magnitude is much smaller than what happened in Germany, France..
- Our point of contention is one--- Kashmir... Tell me one thing, Man has reached the moon... What is it that we can't resolve with humanity.... All we need is a goal...
- Think about what two nations can achieve together.
- Our Sikh brothers and sisters have gathered here from across the world. I want to welcome all of you here
- I assure we would be providing you better facilities over time...
- Now, there's one kind of player who is always scared of losing.... Then there's another category of player... who would only focus on winning....
- As i entered politics... i came across two kind of leaders... First category, which is the majority of leaders, who are into appeasement politics... In 22 years, i met many people like these..
- Then there are leaders who would mobilise people for a bigger cause... He would overcome his fear...
- It goes who would saying which category of leaders are the bigger leaders
- Unless we look beyond blame games... scoring brownie points... we cant achieve anything big...
- It is a historic day for our us. The aspirations of Sikh pilgrims have been fulfilled
- What has not happened in 70 years has happened now
- Guru Nanak spent his last years on your (Pakistan land)
- I have followed Guru Nanak's calling and come here for the ceremony
- I am immensely happy that both the governments agreed on it. I hope this removes all bitterness
#WATCH: Navjot Singh Sidhu recites poetry in praise of Pakistan PM Imran Khan at the ground-breaking ceremony of #KartarpurCorridor in Pakistan.
- ANI (@ANI) November 28, 2018
- No discrimination on the basis of religion, our country says. Guru Nanak said this 550 years ago
- People had to go back with tears in their eyes before the corridor opening
- Peace must prevail. Bloodshed must end
- This corridor will unite people
- This a miracle. Gurus have said that one who keeps his promises is a noble man
- This is a special day. This is the faith of 12 crore nanak 'lavais'
- Both our governments need to understand that we have to move on
- Till there is blood in my veins, will thank both the governments for the peace process
The world comes together for the #Pakistankartarpurspirit - diplomats attending the groundbreaking ceremony by PM #ImranKhan#Babagurunanak#Peacecorridor
- Dr Mohammad Faisal (@ForeignOfficePk) November 28, 2018
Participating in the #KartarpurCorridor foundation stone laying ceremony in Pakistan at the sacred abode of Guru Nanak Dev ji is indeed an emotional moment for me. I thank Guru Sahib for bestowing me with this great opportunity and seek his blessings.
- Harsimrat Kaur Badal (@HarsimratBadal_) November 28, 2018