The famous Sabarimala Temple in Kerala was decorated on Kartik Purnima or Karthika Pournami on Monday. As part of the Karthika Deepam celebrations, diyas and lamps were lit at the Sabarimala Temple. Devotees were seen offering prayers, lighting lamps and decorating the temple with colourful flowers. The festival is linked with Prabodhini Ekadashi and it marks the end of Chaturmas, a four-month period when Lord Vishnu is believed to be in deep meditation.
Karthika Deepam is a festival of lights observed in Kerala and Tamil Nadu by Hindu devotee. It is celebrated on the full moon night of the Karthigai or Kartik month and so it is also called Karthigai Pournami. On this day, many devotees welcome Goddess Karthiyayeni in Kerala.
A deepam or oil lamp is lit by devotees in the two states every evening at the entrance for the entire month of Karthika. Lighting oil lamps symbolize the removal of darkness or ignorance. Karthika is the only month when both Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are worshipped.
The hill shrine of Lord Ayyappa in Sabarimala was opened for devotees for the two-month pilgrimage season on November 16. Adhering to strict COVID-19 protocol, devotees are allowed inside the temple.
Kartik Purnima is celebrated in parts of Tamil Nadu like the Nilgiris as Lakshabba or the festival of lights.
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