Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin paid tribute to his father and DMK patriarch M Karunanidhi on his 98th birth anniversary on Thursday. Popularly known as 'Kalaignar', Muthuvel Karunanidhi was a writer and politician who served as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for almost two decades, between 1969 and 2011.
Born on June 3, 1924, M Karunanidhi contested 12 assembly polls and never lost an election. The former chief minister of Tamil Nadu entered the legislative assembly at the age of 33, representing Kulithalai constituency.
M Karunanidhi is also known for his contributions to Tamil literature. Before entering politics, Karunanidhi worked in the Tamil film industry as a screenwriter. He also wrote plays, novels and a multiple-volume memoir.
Several people paid tribute to M Karunanidhi on Twitter: Here are a few:
Daughter Kanimozhi took to Twitter a posted a beautiful photo with father Karunanidhi. She wrote in Tamil remembering her father's knowledge and sense of humour.
On the birth anniversary of M Karunanidhi, the DMK launched several welfare schemes. Chief Minister MK Stalin distributed grocery kits to people. The Chief Minister also released Covid relief package of Rs 2,000 at the state secretariat.