This Article is From Oct 23, 2010

Kashmir interlocutors in Srinagar to assess ground situation

Srinagar: The special panel of three interlocutors appointed by the Centre for Jammu and Kashmir arrived in Srinagar today. This is their first visit to the Valley.

Senior journalist Dileep Padgaonkar, renowned academician Radha Kumar and economist and Information Commissioner MM Ansari will be in the state for a week.

The mandate of the panel is to hold talks with all shades of opinion in the state that recently saw an unending spiral of violence and street protests lasting for over three months.

Speaking to NDTV in Srinagar, Padgaonkar said the team was in "Kashmir to find a solution."

Here's more on what he said:

NDTV: Mr. Dilip Padgaonkar, finally you have arrived here with lots of hopes. Have you got any commitment that separatists are meeting you finally?

Padgaonkar: Well it's not very proper on my part to speak about commitments. Whoever wishes to meet us will themselves announce to you that they have this appointment.

NDTV: Have you talked privately to people that you want to meet them?

Padgaonkar: Let  private things remain private.

So what is your agenda today?

Padgaonkar: Well as I said in an hour's time, we have got several requests from people to meet them. We are going to sit down now, because we have got four days here. We will try to work out how to meet, whom to meet etc. But the main point remains, the focus is here to discuss with the cross-section of opinion on the mandate that has been given to our group. Let's just try and evolve a consensus on a comprehensive political settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

NDTV: Mr Padgaonkar, one of the important things is that we don't have any youth forums here, any formidable organizations here. The youth are largely disorganized. How are you going to reach out and talk to them?

we have already spoken to a certain number of people. We have said we would like student representing all opinions, coming from all parts of the state to meet us. And our hope is that on Monday, all of Monday, we would like to reserve to listen to young people.

NDTV: So any meetings fixed for today?

Padgaonkar: Today I will just get to know that. We have just landed from the airport. There will be something later on in the afternoon.
