Kerala is reeling under the aftermath of devastating floods, the worst in over a century. Amid row over offers and acceptance of foreign donations, people are struggling to begin their lives afresh after Kerala floods. Various foreign and Indian organizations have contributed to Kerala flood relief. Apple and Bill & Melinda Gates' foundation have also announced contributions to for Kerala relief efforts. Local heroes-people who selflessly came to the aid of others-have emerged amid all the grief and destruction. The government is considering interest-free loans for families whose homes have been destroyed by the floods in the state. UAE's national carrier Emirates has said it will fly over 175 tonnes of relief material to Kerala, which is facing the deadliest deluge in nearly 100 years.
Unprecedented floods in Kerala have created havoc. As per the official records, since August 8, over 231 people have died and more than 10 lakh have been displaced. They will also ask the centre to raise the state's borrowing ceiling to 4.5 per cent of its GDP from 3 per cent, which will help raise an additional Rs. 1,000 crore from the market for Kerala flood relief.
Here are the live updates on Kerala floods:
Operation Rehabilitation,Alleppey involves 1) cleaning the flood silt from homes and premises 2)disinfecting the same 3) collecting and removing plastic waste 4)assuring drinking water and sanitation and 5)setting of IT enabled surveillance system.
- Thomas Isaac (@drthomasisaac) August 25, 2018
Separate applications are not required for the compensations for losses incurred in the flood, including compensations for damages to houses. Only those who have lost their documents have to submit applications online.#KeralaFloodRelief
- CMO Kerala (@CMOKerala) August 25, 2018
Revenue and LSG departments officials will conduct on-site inspections, and the report prepared on this basis will be used to evaluate the eligible compensation.#KeralaFloodRelief
- CMO Kerala (@CMOKerala) August 25, 2018
Survivors of Kerala's worst floods in a century on Saturday set aside their misery, even if only temporarily, to celebrate Onam in numerous relief camps across the state, relishing the traditional Onam ''sadya'' or lunch.
The second day of the harvest festival, called Thiru Onam, fell on Saturday.
Camp officers ensured the availability of vegetables and other commodities after men and women in the camps insisted they would cook the ''sadya'' themselves instead of accepting what was being offered by NGOs and clubs.#Update #KeralaFloods2018 For prevention of changed course of river Kannadipuza from entering village Chandrasekharapuram of Palakkad District, Engineer Task Force of 8 Engineer Regiment broke check dam on the river using explosives and tracked excavator. We are at it. #OpMadad
- ADG PI - INDIAN ARMY (@adgpi) August 25, 2018
My Delhi office colleagues have collected 500 kg of relief materials to send to Kerala today. Helped load the truck that's heading to the railway station.
- Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) August 25, 2018
Onam, subdued, but full of hope..
- P.T. Usha (@PTUshaOfficial) August 24, 2018
Onam is here once again, and like always, we'll celebrate. Only this time, instead of the usual festivities we are celebrating humanity, solidarity, togetherness, love and compassion for fellow human beings. #KeralaFloodRelief #RebuildKerala
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today expressed hope that the festival of Onam will give new strength to the people of Kerala to overcome the advertises in the aftermath of the floods."
May this Onam give further strength to the people of Kerala to overcome the adversities they have been facing for the past few days. The entire nation stands shoulder to shoulder with Kerala and prays for the happiness as well as prosperity of it's citizens.
- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 25, 2018
Houses decked up, colourful flower rangoli or Pookalam outside homes and people dressed in the traditional white attire. While this would be the start to a typical Onam day, this year, people across Kerala picked up what's left of theirs and try to get back on their feet after the state witnessed once-a-century flood causing wreckage leading to losses of some 20,000 Crores killing over 300 people."
Kerala: #Visuals from Shri Ayyappa Temple in Anachal on the festival of #Onam. Sukumaran Nair, secretary of the temple, say, 'there are no celebrations this year & we haven't decorated the temple as the people are suffering because of floods'
- ANI (@ANI) August 25, 2018
Before Operation Rehab. can start in Alpy, bunds have to be dewatered. The work starts today, we have received 3 Kirloskar pumps of 1m ltr capacity per hour . We need more of this kind. Please consider this as an urgent appeal. Any dewatering pumps of larger size are welcome
- Thomas Isaac (@drthomasisaac) August 25, 2018