As Kerala struggles to recover from devastating floods, the worst in over a century, experts on Tuesday said that certain warnings and predictions had gone unheeded. People are still in relief camps and struggling to piece their lives back together. Union Minister KJ Alphons spent a night at a relief camp in Changanacherry and had said that most of the people would not have been able to sleep, thinking of an uncertain future. The government’s relief package for Kerala may fall below the requirements and Kerala finance minister Thomas Issac said that foreign relief must not be denied.
Kerala needs skilled workers to rebuild itself, union minister KJ Alphons had reiterated on Tuesday. Help has been coming in from many quarters. People have been returning home after Kerala floods and many are still in relief camps. Over 200 people have died since August 8 and almost a million were forced to leave their homes. The initial assessment of losses is pegged at over Rs 20,000 crore.
Here are the Highlights on the Kerala floods:
The UAE "cannot be considered any other nation", Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said on Wednesday, amid reports that the centre had turned down aid offers from foreign governments in the wake of the flood disaster.
While the United Arab Emirates (UAE) offering $100 million as financial assistance for flood relief operation in Kerala is a "good gesture", there is a "problem" in accepting such a huge cash donation, according to a former Indian diplomat who has served in the Gulf region.
This was dispatched from Pune which is expected to reach 23rd Aug with the help of @RailMinIndia .
- CMO Maharashtra (@CMOMaharashtra) August 22, 2018
In addition to this, Sanglikars also collected ₹3,78,712/- and donated to CM Relief's Fund.
On CM @Dev_Fadnavis' appeal, by Sangli Collector Office's initiative, all citizens, NGOs, media, businessmen, students came together & collected around 14.5 ton food products in a record time for #KeralaFloods affected persons.
- CMO Maharashtra (@CMOMaharashtra) August 22, 2018
In yet another heartwarming incident of solidarity and courage in the face of adversity, a man with a prosthetic leg was rescued by the Indian army from the Kerala floods.
#Kerala: Gautham, a Class 10 student from Vandiperiyar lost his books & notebooks in the flood, says,"We returned home from a relief camp after 15 days today&I can't find my books. I don't know how I will continue my studies now." Gautham's father added,"we have lost everything."
- ANI (@ANI) August 22, 2018
Cristiano Ronaldo has not donated $11 million to the Kerala flood disaster fund and there are no cracks in a key dam, but fake news has fueled confusion and fear in the country.
An ambassador from Thailand today tweeted to say that India has made it clear that it would not accept international aid for flood relief in Kerala - raising concerns of a shortfall during reconstruction in the ravaged state. The Centre should not deny others a chance to help Kerala, since its financial package is far below the amount requested, said state finance minister Thomas Issac.
The Centre's financial package for Kerala may fall far below requirement and it should not deny others a chance to help the flood-hit state. In an interview with NDTV, Kerala finance minister Thomas Issac made the point, discussing the Rs 700-crore aid, which Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said, has been promised by the United Arab Emirates.
Congress MP Shashi Tharoor held high-level briefings at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva on Aug 20-21 on #KeralaFloods to identify avenues through which international organisations,the UN & the Red Cross, can support relief, rehabilitation&rebuilding operations in Kerala
- ANI (@ANI) August 22, 2018
My public report on my extensive consultations with UN and international humanitarian agencies in Geneva on the #Keralaflood crisis:
- Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) August 22, 2018
The Centre's financial package for Kerala may fall far below requirement and it should not deny others a chance to help the flood-hit state. In an interview with NDTV, Kerala finance minister Thomas Issac made the point, discussing the Rs 700-crore aid, which Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said, has been promised by the United Arab Emirates."
The Home Ministry had clarified that Indians staying abroad could send donations to Kerala Chief Minister's Relief Fund as that will be tax free.
"If foreign aid is coming to non-profits or NGOs which are registered under the Foreign Contribution (regulation) Act (FCRA) then they will not be taxed. But if donations are received by NGOs which are not registered, then it is counted as the income of the NGO and that will be taxed," a senior officer had told NDTV.
A video of the rescue and relief operations carried out at Chatengkeri was shared by the army 16 hours ago. It shows about 20 people standing in ankle-deep water, clapping as army personnel carry in boxes full of medicine."