Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday took a jibe at the Deputy Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak and said that they were looking for an opportunity to become Chief Minister, but have "failed".
"There are two Deputy Chief Ministers in the state. Both of them are looking for an opportunity to become CM," the SP chief said while addressing a public rally in Rampur ahead of by-polls in support SP candidate.
Mr Yadav further "offered" to both Deputy Chief Ministers and said, "We have come to give them an offer. Take 100 MLAs from us, we are with you, become CM whenever you want."
He also said that the BJP government of the state should not be so harsh on the Opposition party that it would become "vindictive" when it returns to power.
"Those who are committing injustice, I want to tell them that the CM's (Yogi Adityanath) file had come to me (During my tenure). It was said in the file that he should be booked and proceeded against. But, we do not engage in the politics of hate and vindictiveness. We returned the file. Now do not harden us so much that when we come to power, we will do what you are doing to us," Yadav said while issuing a threat to the Yogi government.
Rampur will go to the polls on December 5.
Dimple Yadav, the wife of SP chief Akhilesh Yadav is contesting the Mainpuri by-polls and is believed to carry the legacy of her father-in-law Mulayam Singh Yadav in the constituency.
Mainpuri seat, considered a stronghold of the Samajwadi Party, fell vacant on October 10 following the death of Samajwadi Party founder Mulayam Singh Yadav.
The polling for the bypoll will take place on December 5 and the votes will be counted on December 8, coinciding with the result dates of the Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections.