A key member of Bharat Rashtra Samithi, Konatham Dileep, has been arrested by the Telangana police for spreading misinformation on social media, escalating the face-off between the BRS and the ruling Congress. He was arrested after he had gone to the cybercrime cell to discuss a case against him filed in September. He has undergone a medical test and is being presented before a judicial magistrate.
"They suddenly arrested him, got his medical check-up done and are presenting before a magistrate," BRS spokesperson Krishank told NDTV.
The arrest came ahead of BRS working president KT Rama Rao's press conference in Delhi, in which he claimed he would expose the state's Congress government on their alleged double-speak on land acquisition.
Dileep, Telangana's former digital media director and a member of the core team of KT Rama Rao, was detained by the Cybercrime police on September 6 for allegedly reposting a video linked to the clash between two communities in Jainoor of Kumaram Bheem Asifabad district over an alleged rape and murder attempt. The police allege that it had added to the tension in the area.
Back then, there was speculation that he would be arrested as he was kept for 12 hours for questioning. But he was released later, the BRS spokesperson had said.
The Congress had criticized him at the time. But the BRS said he is being targeted for his criticism of the ruling party and its Chief Minister.
This morning, Konatham Dileep had posted a photo of himself standing next to stone lion. The caption read, "Sar pe kafan bandhke chalne wale maut se nahin darte," meaning "those who are ready to walk a risky path are not afraid of death".
Former Telangana minister Harish Rao has called the arrest "vendetta politics" of the Congress and Mr Dileep should be immediately released.
"The Congress government should avoid partisan and vindictive actions. Acting undemocratically while promoting public government is evil. It is a shame to harass the questioners with illegal cases. We strongly condemn the arrest of Telangana activist @KonathamDileep. We demand immediate release. @TelanganaCMO" read a rough translation of his message on X, posted under the hashtag "#CongressFailedTelangana".