After Akshay Kumar, actor Kiara Advani on Thursday took to social media and reacted to the viral video that allegedly shows two women in Manipur being sexually assaulted on a road.
Taking to Twitter, Kiara wrote, "The video of violence against women in Manipur is horrifying and has shaken me to the core. I pray the women get justice at the earliest. Those responsible must face the most SEVERE punishment they deserve."
Speaking on the video that showed two women being paraded naked in Manipur, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "I am filled with pain and the incident is shameful for any civil society."
"No accused will spared, we will never forgive those who are behind this," he said.
Speaking to reporters ahead of the Monsoon session of the Parliament that begins today, PM Modi said, "This a shameful incident for any society..who did this and who is responsible is another issue but this has put our nation to shame. I appeal to all chief minsters to tighten law and order. Whether it is Rajasthan, Chattisgarh or Manipur...the issue of a woman's honour is above all politics.
Meanwhile, several opposition MPs have given notices in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha demanding discussions on the situation in Manipur, arising from a fresh controversy as a video of two women being paraded naked surfaced and was widely circulated.
Manipur has been witnessing violence since May 3, following the protests by the Kuki and Naga communities against the High Court's order asking the state government to consider the inclusion of Meitei community in the category of Scheduled Tribes (ST). Only STs can buy lands in hilly areas.
The majority Meitei community, which occupy the Imphal valley and nearby areas, sought the ST status keeping in view their increasing population and increased requirement of land, so that they could purchase lands in the hilly areas.