The Kolkata Metro Railway Corporation on Wednesday issued a set of dos and don'ts for commuters when they travel by Metro trains after services resume. The passengers will have to wear masks and sanitise their hands before boarding the trains. Dispensers will be placed at each platform, a Metro Railway official said.
Kolkata Metro Railway general manager Manoj Joshi, who inspected several stations on Tuesday, had earlier said that the final date for resumption of services will be fixed shortly. The Metro Railway asked the passengers to use only smart cards and they will have to download the Arogya Setu App on their smartphones.
Temperature of passengers will be checked with thermal scanners at the entry gates of Metro stations. People will have to use only specified gates for entry and exit, the official said. According to the Metro authorities, passengers having symptoms of fever, cough or cold should not board Metro trains.
"Elders and children" are not encouraged to travel by Metro trains. The official also said spitting at stations is strictly prohibited and is a punishable offence.
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