Kolkata Police Commissioner Rajeev Kumar was questioned in Shillong by the CBI today for eight hours over his alleged role in destroying evidence related to the Saradha chit fund scam. The Supreme Court had fixed the Meghalaya capital as the venue for his interrogation, saying that its "neutral" status will prevent unnecessary controversy. Mr Kumar has been asked to appear for questioning tomorrow as well.
Mr Kumar's questioning began at the agency's offices in Shillong around 11 am, and went on until 7.30 pm. The CBI has not released details of the interrogation yet.
Former Trinamool parliamentarian Kunal Ghosh has also been asked to appear in person at the CBI office for questioning in connection with the Saradha chit fund scam, news agency PTI quoted officials as saying.
Accompanied by three high-ranking officers of the Kolkata Police, Mr Kumar has been lodged at a top hotel in the city. A CBI team from Delhi arrived in Shillong to question him. They were not allowed to stay in the the same room during the interrogation.
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court had directed the Kolkata Police Commissioner to appear before the CBI and "faithfully" cooperate with the probe into cases related to the Saradha chit fund scam. It had, however, stated in no certain terms that Mr Kumar was not to be arrested.
The CBI has alleged in the Supreme Court that Mr Kumar, who led the probe by a special investigation team into the Saradha chit fund scam, tampered with electronic evidence and handed over documents to the agency -- some of which had been "doctored".
A major controversy had broken out on Sunday, when a team of CBI officers went to Mr Kumar's residence to question him but faced stiff resistance from the Kolkata police. Following this, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee staged a three-day protest to "save the Constitution".
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