KT Rama Rao, former Telangana minister and senior Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) leader, has written an open letter to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, questioning the party's "double standards" on the Adani Group. Mr Rao, popularly known as KTR, asked why the Revanth Reddy government in Telangana was welcoming Gautam Adani with "open arms" when the Congress was waging a "so-called crusade" against the industrialist in Delhi.
Pointing to the "glaring contradictions and double standards", KTR wrote, "While you and your party leaders across the country boast of fighting against Gautam Adani and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the actions of your party's Chief Minister in Telangana, Revanth Reddy, tell an entirely different story."
KTR said that while the Congress is busy "showcasing a so-called crusade" against Adani, its Chief Minister in Telangana has been "rolling out the red carpet for the Adani Group".
"Let me remind you that your party leader and Telangana CM Revanth Reddy not only welcomed Gautam Adani to Telangana with open arms but also facilitated investments and projects for the Adani Group in the state. Last January, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Revanth Reddy finalised deals worth several thousand crores with Adani. Media reports also suggest that, in a bid to privatise the power sector, Revanth plans to hand over the electricity bill collection project to Adani. This cozy relationship raises serious questions about your party's commitment to the very cause you claim to champion," KTR said in his letter.
He also questioned why the Congress government in Telangana accepted a donation of Rs 100 crore from Gautam Adani. "This shameless double standard raises a fundamental question if the Congress party is truly fighting against Adani, or is it merely using this issue to mislead the people of India?" the BRS leader asked.
"Your party cannot continue this political farce. The people of Telangana and the country are watching. It is time for you to come clean and clarify your stance," he added in the letter.
In a video released by the party, KTR asked Mr Gandhi if Congress has a stand on Mr Adani and his investments. "As the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament and an important leader of the Congress, I would urge you to take a stand and not continue this political farce. While you continue to protest against Adani, the people of Telangana are laughing and mocking your Congress party. You cannot continue this doglapan, this double standard because your own Chief Minister is openly defying and questioning your stand on Adani and making you and your party a laughing stock," he said.
(Disclaimer: New Delhi Television is a subsidiary of AMG Media Networks Limited, an Adani Group Company.)