Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting Uttar Pradesh on Friday to inspect the Maha Kumbh site and inaugurate multiple development projects worth around Rs 5,500 crore in Prayagraj. Among these initiatives, the launch of the Kumbh Sah'AI'yak chatbot is set to be a highlight. This cutting-edge AI tool is designed to provide real-time guidance and updates to devotees attending the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025.
What is the Kumbh Sah'AI'yak chatbot?
The Kumbh Sah'AI'yak chatbot is a generative AI tool that will act as a digital companion for the millions of devotees expected to gather at Prayagraj for the world's largest religious event. Its primary purpose is to ensure a seamless experience for attendees by offering real-time updates, guidance and personalised assistance in multiple languages.
Features of Kumbh Sah'AI'yak chatbot
Multilingual support: The chatbot will provide information in over 10 languages, including Hindi and English, due to its integration with the Bhashini app.
Interactive engagement: Users can interact with the chatbot via text or voice, making it accessible to people of varying technical proficiency.
Personalised navigation: Equipped with Google Maps integration, the chatbot will guide users to key locations such as bathing ghats, temples, sadhus' akharas, railway stations, bus stands and parking areas.
Cultural and historical insights: It will offer details on the event's history, traditions and significance, ensuring an immersive cultural experience.
Tourism assistance: Attendees will receive information on government-approved tour packages, local accommodations, homestays and sightseeing recommendations.
How to access the Kumbh Sah'AI'yak chatbot
The Kumbh Sah'AI'yak chatbot can be accessed through the official Maha Kumbh 2025 mobile app or via WhatsApp, making it convenient for both tech-savvy users and those less familiar with technology.
By offering real-time assistance and detailed information, the chatbot ensures the event remains both accessible and well-organised for devotees from India and abroad.
The Maha Kumbh Mela is set to commence on January 13, 2025, coinciding with Paush Poornima, and will end on February 26, on the occasion of Mahashivratri.