This Article is From Apr 09, 2009

Lanka protest reaches Delhi

New Delhi: Protests over the Sri Lankan Tamils issue had its echo in the capital on Friday when a number of activists of a fringe pro-Eelam group from Tamil Nadu tried to enter the Sri Lankan High Commission agitating against the ",killing of innocent civilians", in that country.

Draped in black shirts and carrying banners with anti-Sri Lanka messages such as ",Stop Killing Innocent Tamil Civilians", and ",Stop the Genocide against Tamils",, the protesters, including women, tried to force their way into the High Commission in Chanakyapuri.

The protesters, who belonged to Voice for Tamil Eelam Group, shouted slogans against the Sri Lankan Government and burnt the effigies of President Mahinda Rajapaksa before the police swung into action and detained them.

They also ghearoed the premises and tried to enter the building, which was prevented by the officials inside the High Commission and the police.

Around 20-25 protesters, most of them students, were detained.

",The Sri Lankan Government is killing its own civilians. India is also helping the Rajapaksa Government in its war against the Eelam Tamils. This protest is to tell the Sinhala people what they are doing is wrong,", said a protester.