Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Thursday said that he could feel that the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao-led BRS party is losing the upcoming Assembly polls in Telangana. Speaking at a corner meeting on the way from Bhupalpally to Peddapalli during the Congress' ongoing 'Vijayabheri' Yatra in the state, he said the upcoming electoral battle is between Dorala (feudal lords) Telangana and Prajala (people's) Telangana.
"I feel that KCR is going to lose the elections. This is a fight between Dorala Telangana and Prajala Telangana...a fight between Raja and Praja," he said.
Attacking Chandrasekhar Rao, Rahul Gandhi said even after ten years, the chief minister of Telangana continues to distance himself from the people.
Alleging that there is large-scale corruption happening in Telangana, Rahul said referring to KCR, all the controls in the state are with one family only.
The AICC leader further said the BJP attacks all opposition leaders and cases are filed using the ED, CBI, and Income Tax Departments, but KCR is spared.
He said when he raises the issue of caste census to be taken up in the country, there is no word either from Prime Minister Narendra Modi or KCR.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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