The father of the Uttar Pradesh student, who accused BJP leader Chinmayanand of raping her, on Sunday termed the leak of the video footage given to the SIT by his daughter, as a "conspiracy" and said he would request the Supreme Court to order a probe into it.
"From where have the screenshots and videos come to the social media? The screenshots have been posted even on various social media platforms. These were given to the SIT by my daughter. This is a conspiracy," he said.
The law student had on Saturday given a pen drive containing 43 videos to the SIT to support her allegations after the officials asked her to submit whatever evidence she had against the former Union Minister.
The SIT, set up on Supreme Court orders, had taken the woman to Chinmayanand's bedroom in his ashram on Friday morning and had collected various pieces of evidence.
The woman had alleged that "important evidence had been removed" from the BJP leader's bedroom.
The special investigation team had quizzed the student's mother on Saturday, they said.
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