Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar yesterday announced that he will back the BJP nominee for President, Ram Nath Kovind. His decision has been a huge setback for the opposition parties who have been in discussion with Congress vice president Sonia Gandhi to field a joint candidate for the Presidential polls that are scheduled to take place on July 17. BJP's Sushil Modi had yesterday thanked Mr Kumar on Twitter for supporting Ram Nath Kovind. Mr Modi spoke to NDTV about Nitish Kumar's decision to support the NDA candidate.
Here are the highlights:
On Nitish Kumar supporting NDA candidate Ram Nath Kovind
On Lalu Yadav
On Shatrughan Sinha
On Twitter
Here are the highlights:
On Nitish Kumar supporting NDA candidate Ram Nath Kovind
- It is Nitish (Kumar)'s decision to ally with BJP, I can't advise him
- It is tough for Nitish to ignore Ram Nath Kovind's candidature
- Mr Kovind had no confrontation with Nitish during his tenure
On Lalu Yadav
- Many people in JDU do not want any relation with Lalu's party
- Inputs by JDU leaders helped expose Lalu's benami properties
On Shatrughan Sinha
- I am a fan from my college days
- He is a senior leader, I don't feel I can reply on anything about him
On Twitter
- On Twitter, you can convey your message within seconds
- Everyone is using it in politics
- But you can't win elections based on Twitter
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